Millions of people with thyroid disease, without realizing it. If you feel tired all the time when you feel angry when you are confused or feel like their world is out of focus, can cause thyroid disorders.
Thyroid can devastate their lives in many ways. The experience of every person is different. Some people find that they have the same mental clarity than before. Others believe that they are always tired. Others experience dramatic changes inWeight. Some people have sleep disorders. Some people have depression. The list goes on.
The symptoms are easily confused with a number of other diseases. Some people with thyroid disorders are allowed to go years without proper treatment. You receive a wrong diagnosis after another. You try to cures for diseases other than their doctors think they have. But nothing seems to work.
If this sounds familiar, it should thyroid diseases, such asPossibilities.
Interpretation of thyroid
The thyroid uses iodine and the amino acid tyrosine hormones regulate metabolism. Sometimes your thyroid is exaggerated. Produces too much thyroid hormone and calcium metabolism in full swing. This is called hyperthyroidism. In general, you start to lose weight, you have problems with sleep and nervous and irritable. His heart was beating faster than normal orirregular. They also feel much warmer at this time.
Hyperthyroidism may result from inflammation of the thyroid, and disappear when healing of the thyroid. Can also result from chronic diseases such as Graves 'disease'. In this case, a thyroid medication used for thyroid hormones back in balance.
In several cases, the thyroid is depleted and do not work and needed. The body does not produce enough thyroid hormone and metabolism slows.This is called hypothyroidism. You feel tired and weak, has difficulty concentrating themselves, and you can start to gain weight.
Hypothyroidism is considered an autoimmune disease. For some reason, the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and interferes with its function.
Unfortunately, there is no possibility of thyroid function to resume, if it is lost. But you can contain the disease, incorporating the prescription of thyroid hormones. This will take a little 'trial and error for youFeeling normal again. Too much can mimic hormone replacement therapy hyperthyroidism. Too little incorrect symptoms.
There are thyroid hormones, natural and synthetic version of the recipe. In most patients, I see a greater benefit for the natural version, so I always try that first. Some patients have a better way of synthesis gas, if you do not work for you, you have to change any fear. However, since the natural version of a first down.
Reaching the right toDiagnosis
If you choose, thyroid diseases, it is likely that the first step to check the temperature. This is what they do. Put a thermometer in her bed. The next morning when he wakes up, insert the tip of the thermometer under the armpit. (Make sure no clothing between the skin and the thermometer). Wait ten minutes, when a mercury thermometer. For a digital thermometer and wait until it beeps. Record the temperature at aGuestbook added.
Do this every day for three weeks. After three weeks, calculate the average temperature of the vigil. If the temperature falls below the average for the vigil of the normal range 97,8-98,2, you probably have a low thyroid. If it falls over, it is likely that the hyperthyroidism.
Once you have made a test temperature, if you have to admit thyroid diseases, visit your doctor and request a TSH test. This test is used to determine if your thyroid is working properly.
FindHas a thyroid disorder can be fear, but it is a step forward to rebuild their lives, their health and their sense of self.
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