Saturday, May 15, 2010

Taking the temperature of your dog

If your dog seems to be feeling bad, you must take the temperature to determine if the fever. Fortunately, the temperature of a dog is a relatively simple process. Moreover, learning to properly take the temperature of your pet, your veterinarian can help you more complete information to diagnose or your pet.

Take the dog's rectal temperature

Most dogs do not like their rectal temperature taken, but may be necessary. If so, you are unable to take the temperature with the following:

or helping someone with the celebration of your pet in town
Or Use KY jelly, petroleum jelly or other water-based lubricant to lubricate a substance thermometer
Or you have an assistant to embrace the front of your dog's body firmly
Increase your dog or the tail and insert the thermometer into the rectum slowly and carefully
or keepingThermometer rather than> when they have an inch into the rectum
Or keep the thermometer in place for two minutes with a mercury thermometer or until it sounds when you use a digital thermometer

The temperature of your pet should be somewhere from 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Celsius, if to be taken rectally.

Take the temperature of your dog's ears

You can also the temperature of your pet through the ear. The eardrum is a really nice placebody temperature of purchase, as there is a temperature measurement of the blood in the brain increases. Using an ear thermometer, infrared heat waves emitted from the area measured.

With the temperature of your pet with an ear thermometer, the thermometer dipping into the ear canal. There is also a good idea to use an ear thermometer is that it is mainly for pets such as these, which have more weapons than is possible thermometerPlace the probe into the ear.

It 's a good idea to keep both the rectal temperature and ear temperature in the few moments the first time an ear thermometer. In this way you can compare accurately the temperature and see how the comparison values. A normal ear temperature is usually 100-103 degrees Fahrenheit.

Call your veterinarian

Anytime the temperature drops a pet under 99 degrees or rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, you should see yourveterinarian. If your dog has a fever, is a sign that he is suffering from an infection or illness related to heat. At low temperatures may indicate, however, strikes or other serious illnesses.

If your dog shows any of these signs, take your temperature and call your veterinarian if you are outside the normal range:

or lethargy
Eating and drinking, or less than usual
or change the general behavior, especially as a "bad mood"
OTumors or inflammation
Hide or
or wound drainage

If you follow your veterinarian, he or she will probably run some blood tests to better identify the problem and provide your pet with the right treatment.

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