Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You can have thyroid disease without knowing it

Millions of people with thyroid disease without realizing it. If you feel tired all the time, when you feel irritable, confused or feel like your world outside of the focus off the feeling that the thyroid may be the cause.

thyroid disorders can take a toll on your life in many ways. The experience of every person is different. Some people find that they have the same mental clarity than before. Others find that they are always tired. Others experience dramatic changes inWeight. Some people have sleep disorders. Some people have depression. The list is endless.

The symptoms are easily confused with a number of other diseases. Some people with thyroid disease go years without proper treatment. You can get a wrong diagnosis after another. Deal of treatments for various diseases that doctors can have. But nothing seems to work.

If this sounds familiar, consider as a disease of the thyroidPossibilities.

Understanding your thyroid

Your thyroid iodine and tyrosine used hormones that help regulate metabolism to produce. Sometimes your thyroid gland is overstimulated. It produces too much thyroid hormone and kick your metabolism into high gear. This is called hyperthyroidism. Typically, you start to lose weight, you have trouble sleeping, and you feel restless and irritable. Your heart may beat faster than normal orirregular. They also feel warmer at the time.

Hyperthyroidism can cause inflammation of the thyroid gland and can be terminated when the thyroid to heal. You can also result from chronic diseases such as Graves 'disease'. In this case, use an anti-thyroid hormone thyroid medication to balance.

In other cases, thyroid exhausted and not doing his job so well they need. Your body does not produce enough thyroid hormone and metabolism slows.This is called hypothyroidism. You feel tired and weak, have difficulty concentrating, and you can start to gain weight.

Hypothyroidism is considered an autoimmune disease. For some reason, attacks the body's immune system and changes in thyroid function.

Unfortunately, there is no way for thyroid function once it is lost. But you can control the disease through a supplement to the prescription of thyroid hormones. This process takes a little 'trial and error to getFeeling back to normal. Too Much Hormone replacement therapy can mimic hyperthyroidism. Very little will not correct the symptoms.

There are two versions of the limitation of natural and synthetic thyroid hormones. In most patients, I see a greater benefit, the natural version, so I always try that first. Some patients respond better to the synthetic, so if it does not work for you, do not be afraid of change. However, given the natural version of a first attempt.


If you suspect that you suffer from thyroid disease, is the first step to check the temperature. This is what they do. Place a thermometer next to your bed. In the morning, on waking, the thermometer under the armpit. (Make sure no clothing between the skin and the thermometer). Wait a minute if you use a mercury thermometer. For a digital thermometer, wait ten until it beeps. Record the temperature in aLaptop.

Do this every day for three weeks. After three weeks of calculating the average temperature of supervision. If the average temperature in the morning in the normal range of 97.8 to 98.2, you probably have a low thyroid. If it falls, you may have hyperthyroidism.

Once you've done a test temperature, if you have to admit that thyroid disease, visit your doctor and ask for a TSH test. This test is used to determine whether the thyroid is not functioning properly.

Discoverthyroid disease is frightening, but a step to reclaim their lives, their health and their self-esteem.

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