You practice your cardiovascular system with aerobic exercise. Strengthen your muscles with strength training. You see your diet to supply nutrients and pollutants to be avoided. All these good things you provide your body with health and vitality. What's missing? Your brain.
You work your heart and muscles to improve their condition and sound. You want to have a low heart rate and slow deep breathing the whole time. Exercise helps in any case, everything. There is nothing betterYou can do for depression as a regular exercise. But it is also highly desirable to directly train the nervous system efficiently and effectively. Everyone can be more reasonable.
If I tell you to exercise your brain, I do not mean soduku and crossword puzzles. For almost every stimulation is not the big issue. The problem is lack of ability to relax the nervous system. I do not mean the kind of relaxation you get after physical exhaustion, or a fewShots of tequila. I mean, the training of the relaxation response.
The methods I describe below are permanent benefits for a wide range of topics. The majority of them include biological monitoring and biofeedback. Biofeedback means interactive training with a display of your physiological reactions. It's like a workout with the inner body mirror.
This nervous system training devices quickly and reliably calm the brain is the most important organ in the body. They guide you to the optimum Flow and the function of the nerves.
A cheap and simple device for your mental fitness studio is a digital thermometer. The biofeedback task is to raise a finger or toe temperature. This is a mind-body exercise with trial and error learning. N The opposite of the fight 'r-flight response is calm' digest. Learn how you are bringing blood flow to the extremities, a special form of relaxation that can be mastered with training and practice. Google: "Stress> Thermometer "for the $ 20 pieces.
A lie detector monitors detect subtle physiological responses to stress. You can reduce stress by training with some of the same monitors. The Journey to Wild Divine "is a rather quieter computer game with dozens of biofeedback challenges. You have a mouse in one hand and biofeedback sensors in the other. If you follow the beautiful street of the screen you are prompted to raise or nervous energy to lower level to the proceedingsGame.
What is going on here is that you deliberately paving the street between activation and relaxation. How do you intend to clear the streets, expand the scope and flexibility of your physiological reactions. This allows you greater freedom of response at all times. This means you can more easily calm down, after upset or maintain optimal performance in the zone with greater resilience.
Another group of devices is your heart rhythms andBreathing in sync. The idea is based on the observation that if we increase our heart inhale. And when we exhale, our heart sinks. After a variety of heart rate in a single breath is an excellent indicator of overall health.
The free option is for the train to the heart rate variability, breathing at 6 breaths per minute: 5 seconds, 5 seconds off. But with a clock is rarely a successful way to train. Counting your heart beats a little better. ButHeart rate variability train seriously you need a computer program such as HeartMath ($ 300) or the handset of Stress Eraser ($ 400) made. Another way to feel rhythm train and keep warm expressive of positive emotions.
The King of biofeedback training methods, brain wave biofeedback. This type of training has a large number of studies over 35 years shows significant relief of a large number of mind and body problems. There are also strong indications of highPerformance training with students, athletes, artists and soldiers. For the U.S. military began an aggressive training program for officers to 13 bases for the work done at West Point. The focus for the Army to improve mental concentration.
Consumers can an EEG and software for home purchase, or you can work with a biofeedback trainer. Google: EEG biofeedback or neurofeedback. System will cost over a thousand dollars to $ 2500 and may require a hotComputer.
Neurofeedback involves use of equipment, which shows increased and the electrical activity of the brain (EEG). Sensors are placed on the scalp to an encoder, the signals connected to a computer RSS feeds. Some of these systems to train specific brain wave frequencies and below, training of others. The most advanced software reduces the excess volatility of brain wave.
Sophisticated software provides a graphical representation of the signals and includes programs are based on complexdeveloped mathematical formulas to the central nervous system with information in a form that can be easily processed. The role of awareness in this process is minimal. Just take appealing visual displays and sounds. Short breaks guide the brain in the direction of peace, strength and flexibility. You can view this as a defragmentation of your brain, or remove brain thinking crud.
Gadget The final healing is a biofeedback device does not support the research.Cranial Electrical Stimulation Units carry a very weak electrical current through the brain. So you do not feel very mild. These devices are approved by the FDA for anxiety, depression and insomnia. Many research results show exemption from the articles, many other problems. Normally, you use this device for 30 to 60 minutes for 30 to 60 days. We know that it reduces over slow brain wave activity. It seems you change your stress. It seems to trick the brain into serotonin production.Some people feel the runners high ', without the running.
All of these devices produce large benefits, which last for the long term. The special benefit and the magnitude of the effect is for each person. These devices are well suited for spiffing responsiveness or with several problems, because the central nervous system is central to everything we do.
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