Two thousand years ago people were scientists, mathematicians, biologists, and unlimited resources.
Why the man has not invented the Internet, the telephone and the Space Shuttle?
They built the pyramids in Egypt to raise the display of the ability and the will to everything we have in today's society to produce.
The only obstacle was a pool of knowledge at that time. In other words, it was a learning process. But a learning curve is probably superficial. We have in ourtoday's society, which we call a child genius.
These young children learn much faster than even the brightest students.
Skeptics point out that even if the alien ships there are chances of a journey to the earth is mathematically and physically impossible. You frown and reaffirm that the ship would travel several times the speed of light in the remotest possibility of bathing in the atmosphere have earth '. That is simply impossible for severalLevels.
Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle. For example, lets look at a bird. The bird structure makes it perfect for flying as a structure of a fish is ideal for swimming under water.
We have observed and adapted these principles to make vessels that travel many times faster than birds or fish in the air under the sea or at sea.
But let us for a moment. Some companies could be part of here, but this next point is interesting. Could it be that, as the airsuitable for the bird and the water is suitable for the fish that the architect of the universe, the universe has developed for the trip?
Planets travel in orbits governed by gravity. Light travels through space. Could it be that there is indeed "corridors" in the universe destined for space?
Some may scoff, but two thousand years ago would have been intelligent men and women laughed at a space shuttle.
Could it be that these corridors to explore and learn whatis necessary to navigate to it can take a quantum leap in question?
And finally, suppose someone has already, we propose the Pointe!
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