The system is a state of Metatron NLS incredible body scanning system that is able to analyze the functional status of organs, tissues and cells of the body. Numerous studies have shown that the primary carrier information within a biological object of electromagnetic radiation. The Metatron linear scanning system is able to disclose information Energo-frame body and defining areas for lack of information, loss or damage to the access and the type ofhomeostasis and altered physiological changes that occur in the body as a result. In addition to a detailed analysis of the body, another wonderful feature of this incredible self-contained system provides the trader is the ability to make and offer the patient and prepared information Bioresonance digitized for computer-corrected energy loss and weaknesses and help restore homeostatic balance in the body. It provides a powerful assessment tool thatvery detailed and accurate assessment, qualitative functional state of the body, its systems, organs, tissues, cells, cellular organelles and chromosones. There is the ability of a physician to perform an analysis express, standard or body detailed in minutes. Allows assessment of the individual body systems, including: nervous system, spine and musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory, digestive, endocrine system, the genitourinary system, lymphatic system and immune system...
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