Friday, June 25, 2010

Traditional photographic print

Printing in the darkroom, is very different from the negative development. To do this requires some experience correctly, but cheap and easily available equipment. To start this latest chapter in the series I will start, if necessary chemical darkroom tools and equipment to work in his darkroom printing.


Across the table for sure (a table that has a tight seal). The document is available in many forms, such as a resin-coated fibers and cloth.
Magnifier: an enlarger is the most important piece of equipment needed to print from his negatives. The magnifier works the projection of the negative on photographic paper. Each is equipped with a magnifying lamp, lens, film holder and filter compartment, although some magnifiers incorporated a filtering system. need different lenses, depending on the film (ie, with 35 mm, medium or large format).
Filters: Filters are used to contrast and tones in a negative attitude on the projected imagePaper.
Infrared light: As you use the light-sensitive material, it is necessary to work in the darkroom with infrared light instead of normal light conditions. see infrared, but can not influence the newspapers.
Shells development: the development of shells are required to contain chemicals to produce the document. They vary in size from 8 "x 10" and more.
Thermometer: You need a thermometer to ensure proper temperature is reached during development.
Ships and Mixer: As with films in development have a pair of glasses and shakers for the production of chemicals, mixing tools, plastic, just the time that mix chemicals.
Bath A bath water is necessary to clean the press.
Notebook: print jobs not in the dark room, not the output data to assist with exposure times. Instead, you need a notebook to record your data.
Dodge / Burn Tools: These tools are simply that you can control the lightSuggest specific areas of the paper in the enlarger. I am for the Dodge / Burn technology will continue in future articles.

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